
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The latest project of Google company

These days when we surf in in the google web sites and AdSense , we can see there is Google+. But most of the ones who see it does not pay much attention on it.Actally Google + is a service given by the Google company to the ones who serf ion the Internet. But it is in the test level.So only few people can get it. Google company says that it will be...............

published near at hand , and also it is stated that all the services are given free to the users. Google + contains almost all the services for 100% free , actually you cant find any service which is not available in this site.This web site was made by collecting and developing most of the features in other services . As an example , if we get the Facebook as an networking service by the Google company to the ones who serf ion the Internet. But it is in the test level.So only few people can get it. Google company says t
hat it will be...............

service, Google + have presented it in a new attractive and in a simple way .but yet this is in the test level, so limited number of persons can get his service. Google company says that it will be published near at hand , and also it is stated that all the services are given free for the users.

Facebook present friends in a list, so to group friends we must make new friend lists . But because of the +circle service in Google + we can make category circles and can drag the names or pictures of friends , who in our account and who are going to be our friends in the future, So by that we can categorize friends to find them easily.

In the Spark section I entered one of my interests--punk rock--and the Google search algorithm brought back a bunch of mainstream media articles, YouTube and Vimeo video, and blog posts. After selecting an article about my friend Jello Biafra, I chose which of my 'circles' I wanted to share the content with.

The feature asks you to choose from a list of possible interests (biking, sailing, sewing, etc.), or to enter your own specific interest. Google then goes out and gathers relevant content from all over the Web. I found the content suggested by Sparks to be almost completely on-topic, and I even found some content that I could actually see myself sharing with friends. Importantly, you can choose which friend circles or single friends you want to share the content with. The posts show up in those friends’ news feeds, or as Google calls them Streams. Also we can use + hangout to chat with friends..

We can connect Google + to our mobile by +mobile, by tat we can use GPS Massaging and Camera. Therefor we can send +massage.By the +location service with the aid of GPS we add the map of our stand point ,at that moment to the Google+.

By +Instant upload service we can upload the image we capture at the moment by the phone to the Google+ networking the +Huddle we can send a message,sent by our phone or computer to many by adding the pitures of the friend to the address list.

The latest news is that Goole company is going to add all the services of the Google to the Google+. According to that , they have planned to add Pisca as Goolge photo and Blogger as Goole blogs to the Google +.And there is a hear say all over the internet ,hat they are going to add you tube also to the Google +as an unofficial news. You can get this service by goint to the following link

You can enjoy a tour in Google plus by clicking the follwing link

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